Welcome to our farm! I am Stacey Perea, the matriarch of the Perea family. Together, with my husband, David and our 3 boys we own/run Red Boat Farm. We always knew we wanted a farm and have kept chickens at our home in the Historic District of downtown Fort Payne, AL for almost 20 years.

David grew up on a farm and I was always gathering animals at home as a child. He remembers his dad planting acres of corn and picking it by hand as a child. He worked cutting and baling hay as a teenager on his parent’s farm. David worked with his father building fences, repairing barns and raising animals. He developed an immense love for the farm life. David’s paternal grandfather was a strawberry and tomato farmer in California. Farming is definitely in his blood.

I, on the other hand, grew up in a subdivision surrounded by a golf course. My mother loves animals and rarely said “no” to me dragging up a new animal. I grew up with parents who were suburban gardeners. I remember my father dragging all of us to an old rundown farm and talked of buying it. We lived in a large neighborhood with a lot of friends and were horrified at the idea of moving (he didn’t buy it). If he had lived to see our place, he would have loved it! My grandmother was a Master Gardener and an avid bird watcher (who always made sure to pass on her knowledge of plants) so I have always been at home with my hands in the soil, as well as identifying plants and birds. My grandmother also always took me fishing with her and made sure I could catch my own supper if need be. Her husband, my paternal grandfather kept a hobby farm with chickens and goats during my teen years. My maternal grandfather was a butcher and I still have a couple of his knives. My step-father grew up keeping bees and still has his grandfather’s smoker.

To say that our families have been preparing us for this life is an understatement!

The natural progression of our union would eventually end up on 21 acres. We have a menagerie of Heritage breed livestock together with several gardens of heirloom vegetables and herbs. This year we also saw the addition of Alpacas for fleece and fiber in coming years.

Thank you for coming to our website and following along with us on our journey!

The Perea Boys.

Our oldest son and his precious wife, Miranda.
