I want ALL of the animals!... Wait, What?

Ever since we met, David and I knew we wanted a farm. We started with chickens and ducks on a. piece of land we had when we were first married. We added a few goats, but our fences weren’t the best. One morning I heard a strange sound and came out to find the herd of 6 standing on the hood and top of my (hard top) jeep. They left our place soon after. We’ve kept chickens almost continuously since.

In 2016, when we realized that David’s family farm was still in probate and there was some debt from his father’s estate that was never paid off, we proceeded to pay off that debt and own the land. It wasn’t that cut and dry or easy at all. That’s a story for another day.

When we once officially took possession of the land, we started looking for animals, in addition to making the much needed repairs on the barns. We were so excited to finally be able to have a farm and animals!

Fast forward 6 years and we have SO MANY animals!! The plus side is that we are able to run a closed herd and only occasionally bring in an animal for a different bloodline. All animals are born and raised on our farm.

Now we are at the point of wondering if we possibly have too many animals. We are able to sell animals occasionally and that helps with the numbers. But now were are wondering about the all of different species, should we reduce the numbers? Then the question is what do we get rid of? Or do we reduce the herd numbers and keep the same species? I honestly love all of the animals on our farm right now. Well, there may be a few goats that I do find annoying.

Then I stop and think… is this just growing pains? Post 2020 syndrome? We paused our Kunekune breeding program last year and maybe that caused a lack of excitement that we had before? I’m not sure what is going on. but I do know that we still have a love and commitment to the farm and raising our meats.

I will keep you posted on what transpires.