Not the way the weekend was supposed to go…

This weekend was supposed to be a weekend away for David and myself. The boys were going to stay home and take care of the farm, but things didn’t work out that way.
We had planned to drive to Knoxville on Friday and spend the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law to celebrate my nephew Tate’s high school graduation. We planned to drop by my parent’s house in Cleveland to drop off a few hens for their new chicken tractor. On the drive to Cleveland I was not feeling well at all. By the time we arrived in Cleveland I was sick.
I don’t know about you guys, but I want to be home when I’m sick. Even though my mom and stepfather were both trying to take care of me, I just wanted to be home. So, we turned around and drove back home. David stopped 3 times before he could find Propel waters. I’m not sure why everyone was out of them.

We hated so much to miss Tate’s graduation and our weekend with family. But things happen and apparently I have had the Norovirus all weekend. I would have been so upset to have passed it on the everyone else.

David and the boys jumped in and did laundry & dishes, completed my farm chores and theirs, they even put the new hay into the barn loft. I’ve been in bed most of the weekend but started feeling better Sunday and was able to clean up my computer and blog.
I hope no one gets this wicked thing! Parker & Miranda had it first, then Oliver had it, followed by Cooper and then me. I hope David has managed to escape it.