Diversifying and learning new things!

We have been trying to build the farm into a year-round added income source. I am asked regularly “what all do you raise at the farm?” I begin to list off the and their mouths open to make the “WOW” sound. Especially where we live. Most farmers are cattlemen, raising only cow, calves and steers. So, when they hear all of our variety of animals they don’t really get it. Our belief is that diversity is the key to making our small farm work for us in the long run. If one area isn’t producing at the time, another one will.

Cooper and I recently went to Seattle for a rabbit husbandry class. We are working to produce Rabbit meat for our family and for sale. We have learned that rabbit is the most sustainable animal you can raise on the farm. Rabbit leaves a very small footprint on the earth. It is easy to feed and maintain, when done correctly. Rabbit manure is an excellent fertilizer too!!

We recently had our shearer visit the farm and he ended up clipping 7 bags of fleece from 3.5 alpacas. The fleece will be washed, dried, carded and fluffed into roving to sell to knitters. AND we just bought 3 more alpacas who will be cleaned up later this month. We plan to attend an alpaca workshop in July in the Nashville area to learn more about fibers and naturally dying fibers. We are excited about this venture and the extra income it will bring to the farm and family in the future.

We have started to bring a variety of barrow pigs to the farm. We currently have Mulefoot, Gloucestershire Old Spots, Mangalista and Kunekune pigs. I am amazed everyday by the difference in their personalities. Even though they are all the same species, the different breeds behave differently. I guess that should make sense, we have learned that different goat breeds behave differently as well. Our hope is that the different breeds will produce different qualities to their meats and that our consumers will find a pork they prefer. I must admit, some breeds are easier to take to the processor than others. ☺️

All of this is part of our diversification. We now have chicken, eggs, lamb, pork, rabbit, and alpaca fleece. We seasonally have fresh herbs, dried herbs, vegetables, pears and locally foraged medicinal plants. We have LOTS of plans and hope to bring more to all of you soon!

Thanks again for coming along on our journey!